

为了使学生了解水资源缺乏的严峻形势,我校特别开展了这次‘节约用水,从我做起’的活动 来号召学生节约用水 活动内容分为举办图片展和在横幅上签名留言两部分 举办这次活动的意义是为了让我们了解我们所面临的缺水危险和意识到节约用水的重大意义

In order to let students realize the thesevere situation of water shortage.We specially carry out this activities named "saving water,start from me " to call on students to save water.The activities consist of two parts, pictures exhibition and leaving messages with signature on the banner. The significance of this activities is to let us realize the danger of water shortage and the importance of saving water.