谁能详解下面几道英语语法题?The women carrying babies and luggage,come in first,_____?A.will you B.will they C.don't they D.don't youThere were two rooms in the house,_____served as a kitchen.A.the smaller one of whichB.the smaller oneC.the smaller of them D.and the smaller one of which为什么不选B 这个题目中的served是从句中的谓语动词吗?不需要用被动吗?_____the extraordinary beauty of Changling is the Ling'en Palace,known for its simple design and painted ceiling.A.Adding B.Adding to C.Added D.


The women carrying babies and luggage,come in first,_____?
A.will you B.will they C.don't they D.don't you
There were two rooms in the house,_____served as a kitchen.
A.the smaller one of which
B.the smaller one
C.the smaller of them
D.and the smaller one of which
为什么不选B 这个题目中的served是从句中的谓语动词吗?不需要用被动吗?
_____the extraordinary beauty of Changling is the Ling'en Palace,known for its simple design and painted ceiling.
A.Adding B.Adding to C.Added D.Added to
The students invited to the Halloween party may dress _____they please
A.whatever B.wherever C.whenever D.however

第一题是祈使句,是有称呼语的祈使句,英语中有的祈使句有称呼,汉语也一样。例如我们常说 小李 ,你过来。这是汉语中的带有称呼语的祈使句。又如,第一排的男生 ,起立。也是祈使句。小李和男生都是称呼语 不是主语。 曾经有一年的高考题是Alice, you feed the bird,will you ? .翻译为 ,爱丽丝 ,你来喂鸟.,是命令而不是陈述。这句话的含义不是Alice 经常喂鸟。此句中有两个呼语,Alice 和 you,比较难。一般祈使句可以翻译出来。您的问题中抱小孩的妇女是称呼语,所以后边是祈使句,我们知道祈使句的反义疑问句用will you 。 如GIve me a cup of tea,will you ?
第二题 如果选B的话,句子中有两个单句而没有连词,是错误的, 我们知道两个简单句在一个句子中必须有连词,第一个答案是按照从句处理,自然正确,serve做充当讲不用被动,主动即可。He volunteered to serve as the manager of our department store.
This box will serve as a table. 这个箱子可当桌子用。
第三题 你找到句子中的is 就可以知道 is前边部分是句子的主语,done过去分词是不能做主语的,排除CD,做主语应该用doing. 。 add to 是增加 固定短语。例如Seeing is believing.
第四题答案是正确的,句子中缺少主宾表才用what ,本句子中补充完整后they please dress 该加的是方式副词 例如 well ,badly 等等,dress是不能接衣服这类名词的 ,dress不用衣物做宾语,所以句子中不用补充宾语。不缺宾语 我们按缺方式状语解题就可以了,所以用however.

1、The womencarrying babies and luggage,come in first,_____?
  come in first 是祈使句,其反意疑问句是一种特殊形式.
 1) “Let + 一、三人称的宾格”,其反意疑问句是“shall + 一、三人称的主格”.如:
  Let’s go,shallwe?让我们走好吧?
  Let me have atry,shall 让我试一试,好吗?
  Let him do it byhimself,shall he?让他自己做,好吗?
 2)“动词原形 + 其他成分”,其反意疑问句是 will you,也可以用won’t you 或 would you.如:
 Sit down andhave a drink,will you?坐下来喝一杯,好吗?
  Please sing asong to us,will you?给我们唱支歌,怎么样?
  Come in first,will you?请优先进来,好吗?
2、There weretwo rooms in the house,_____served as a kitchen.
  the smaller one of which served as a kitchen是独立主格结构,是句子的状语,起补充说明作用.其中,thesmaller one of which是充当逻辑主语的独立主格(which 指代 the house,等于 the smaller one of the house 所表达的意思),served as a kitchen 是过去分词短语,二者共同构成独立主格结构,等于 the smallerone of which (is served) as a kitchen 的省略.
3、_____theextraordinary beauty of Changling is the Ling'en Palace,known for its simpledesign and painted ceiling.
  这是一个倒装语序,正常语序应该是 The Ling'en Palace,known for its simple design and painted ceiling,is adding to the extraordinarybeauty of Changling.此处为了强调“给长陵增添着这种特殊的美”而把谓语部分的adding 和 to the extraordinary beauty of Changling 一并提前到句首.
  Standing in front of us is the grand monument.矗立在我们面前的是一座雄伟的纪念碑(一座雄伟的纪念碑正矗立在我们面前).
  Running ahead is Tom.跑在前面的是汤姆(即汤姆正跑在前面).
4、The studentsinvited to the Halloween party may dress _____they please
  whatever 是代词,意思是“无论哪一种”,however 是副词,意思是“不管用什么方法”.句中的 please 是不及物动词,表示“令人愉悦/讨人喜欢”,不能用代词 whatever 作宾语.此处的 however 修辞动词 please,整个句子的意思是 “受邀参加万圣节聚会的的学生可以以任何中意的方式穿着打扮”.