一句合同英语翻译 急用 谢谢In the event that Imbalance Adjustments are provided by ISO on an aggregate basis based on Party A's role as scheduling coordinator role on behalf of other projects in addition to the Project, Party A shall provide its basis for allocation in writing to Party B and, if the methodology is reasonably accepted by Party B, allocate such Imbalance Adjustments to the Project as if the Project was the only project scheduled and delivered to the


一句合同英语翻译 急用 谢谢
In the event that Imbalance Adjustments are provided by ISO on an aggregate basis based on Party A's role as scheduling coordinator role on behalf of other projects in addition to the Project, Party A shall provide its basis for allocation in writing to Party B and, if the methodology is reasonably accepted by Party B, allocate such Imbalance Adjustments to the Project as if the Project was the only project scheduled and delivered to the ISO by Party A, and not netted against other generation scheduled to the ISO by Party A.
1.其中的Imbalance adjustment虽然知道意思但不知道准确含义
2.as if the Project was the only project scheduled and delivered to the ISO by Party A如何翻不生硬
3.netted against 表示什么?
呵呵 虽然不够专业 但这位初中同学挺可爱的,继续加油哦!
我想要专业的人工翻译 谢谢

在事件中不平衡调整是由国际标准组织提供在一之上合计基于宴会一个角色的基础当做计划安排协调者角色在利益上其他的计画除了计画之外,宴会 A 将在对宴会 B 写方面提供它的基础给配置和, 如果方法学适度地一般承认的被宴会 B, 分派如此的不平衡调整到那计画好像那计画是那唯一的计画预定的和递送对宴会 A 的国际标准组织, 和不是用网捕获反对其他的世代预定的对宴会 A 的国际标准组织。
Imbalance adjustment —— 不平衡调整
netted against —— 用网捕获的反对

1,Imbalance adjustment大概是指不公平的调整。

总和基准(aggregate basis):指与每一位对手方的所有可作净额计算的衍生工具交易的净重置成本的总和,与每一位对手方的所有可作净额计算的衍生工具交易的总重置成本的总和的比率.
1.Imbalance Adjustment:
2.as if 这里表让步,
既然如此,as if那就当作什么什么好了.
3.netted against: