汉译英,请帮助我用英语翻译下一段话,要准确,本人急用,请帮忙啊!我真的很着急谢谢各位朋友!系统主要完成对图书仓库的库存管理,包括图书入库、出库、库存,员工信息,供应商信息以及密码管理等六个方面.系统可以完成对各类信息的浏览、查询、添加、删除、修改、报表等功能.系统的核心是入库、库存和出库三者之间的联系,每一个表的修改都将联动的影响其它的表,当完成入库或出库操作时系统会自动地完成库存的修改.查询功能也是系统的核心之一,在系统中即有单条件查询和多条件查询,也有精确查询和模糊查询,系统不仅有静态的条件查询,也有动态生成的条件查询,其目的都是为了方便用户使用.系统有完整的用户添加、删除和密码修改功能,并具备报表打印功能.系统采用Microsoft Office中的Access 2000来设计数据库,并使用当前优秀的开发工具—Delphi 6.0,它有着最为灵活的数据库结构,对数据库应用有着良好的支持.论文主要介绍了本课题的开发背景,所要完成的功能和开发的过程.重点的说明了系统设计的重点、设计思想、难点技术


系统采用Microsoft Office中的Access 2000来设计数据库,并使用当前优秀的开发工具—Delphi 6.0,它有着最为灵活的数据库结构,对数据库应用有着良好的支持.
关键字:数据库,SQL语言,Delph 6,数据库组件,仓库管理

The main system of the warehouse inventory management, including books, inventory, inventory, employee, supplier and password information management information six aspects. The system can complete all information to browse, search, add, delete, modify, reports, etc.
The core of the system is the storage, storage and delivery the links between each table, and the changes will affect other forms, the incoming or outgoing when complete operating system will automatically complete inventory of modification. The core of the system is also query functions in one, a condition in which system and inquires, also have precise condition of fuzzy query, and inquires system not only has the condition of static, dynamic generation also has the condition, the inquiry is aimed at user-friendly. A complete system of users to add, delete, modify functions and password and print function.
Using Microsoft Office system in 2000 to design database Access, and use the best development tools - 6.0, it has the most Delphi, flexible database structure of database application has good support.
This paper mainly introduces the development background, to complete the functions and development process. The key point of the design, the design thought and technologies and solutions.
Key words: database, SQL database, Delph 6, components, warehouse management

System is mainly to finish the book warehouse inventory management, including storage of books, a library, inventory, employee information, supplier information, as well as the six aspects of password management. System can achieve all kinds of information on the browser, query, add, delete, modify, statements and other functions.
System is the core of storage, inventory, and the contact between the Treasury, each table will be linked to amend the impact of other forms, when completed, or a library storage system will operate automatically when inventory changes to finish. The inquiry is the core of the system, one that is in the system there is a single condition query and the conditions of many inquiries, but also has precise queries and fuzzy queries, the system has not only the conditions of static information, there is also the conditions of dynamically generated information, the purpose is to facilitate the users. System users have a complete add, delete, and modify the password function, and with printing Report.
System uses the Microsoft Office in the design of the Access 2000 database, and use the excellent development of the current instrument-Delphi 6.0, it has the most flexible database structure, database applications have a good support.
The main thesis of the introduction the background of the subject development, to achieve the functions and development process. Note the focus of the focus of system design, design ideas, technologies and solutions difficult.

System is mainly to finish the book warehouse inventory management,including storage of books,a library,inventory,employee information,supplier information,as well as the six aspects of password management.System can achieve all kinds of information on the browser,query,add,delete,modify,statements and other functions.
System is the core of storage,inventory,and the contact between the Treasury,each table will be linked to amend the impact of other forms,when completed,or a library storage system will operate automatically when inventory changes to finish.The inquiry is the core of the system,one that is in the system there is a single condition query and the conditions of many inquiries,but also has precise queries and fuzzy queries,the system has not only the conditions of static information,there is also the conditions of dynamically generated information,the purpose is to facilitate the users.System users have a complete add,delete,and modify the password function,and with printing Report.
System uses the Microsoft Office in the design of the Access 2000 database,and use the excellent development of the current instrument-Delphi 6.0,it has the most flexible database structure,database applications have a good support.
The main thesis of the introduction the background of the subject development,to achieve the functions and development process.Note the focus of the focus of system design,design ideas,technologies and solutions difficult.
Keywords:database,SQL language,Delph 6,database components,warehouse management

The system mainly completes the stock management to the book warehouse, including the book to store in warehouse, six aspects such as a database, stock, employee's information, the supplier information and the password management etc..The system can complete to browse, search, increase, delete, modify to each kind of information, statement etc. function.
The core of the system is store in warehouse, stock and a database three of contact, each modifications of forms be other forms of influence that the 联 move, to complete to store in warehouse or the system of hour of a database operation will complete the modification of the stock of oneself.Search the function is also one of the core of the system, have the single condition search and many conditionses search namely in the system, also have the precision search and misty search, the system not only have static state of condition search, but also have the dynamic state the born condition search, its purposes are all for the sake of the convenient customer to use.The system contain the customer of the integrity increase, delete to modify the function with password, and have the statement to print the function.
The system adopts the Access within the Microsoft Office 2000 to the design database, and use the current excellent development tool- Delphi 6.0, it has the most vivid database structure, to the database the application has the good support.
The thesis mainly introduced the development background of this topic, finished function and the process of the developments want.The point explained the point, the design thought, a little bit difficult technique and solution of the system design.
Key word:Database, language of SQL, Delph 6, the database module, the warehouse management