He is much too fat because he always eats too much food."too much"+______."much too"+_____意思都是“______”请用too much 和much too照一个句子._____________________________


He is much too fat because he always eats too much food."too much"+______."much too"+_____
请用too much 和much too照一个句子.

too much=much 而 much too=too

先给你分析一下吧,too much 的too是来修饰much的,所以只用看much...
much too的much是修饰too的,所以只用看too。。。
too much后面加不可数名词,much too后面加形容词。教你一个方法,就这两个的区别,你就只用看后面的那个单词就行了。

He is much too fat because he always eats too much food."too much"+【不可数名词】.意思是:太多……"much too"+【形容词】,意思是:太……例如:There is too much rain here in summer.这儿夏季雨水太多.This ...

to much后面加不可数名词,
much too 后面加形容词.
There is too much food served in the party.
He was too much happy after he passed the exam.