1.By the time you get back,great changes___in this area.为什么用问will have taken place?2.On his next birthday he __marries for ten years.用will have been 为什么不用has been?3.john _____now for the light in his room is still on .为什么选must be studying而不选must be studying?4.、I_____tennis quite well,but I have not had time to play since the new year.为什么用play不用played5.——Has sam finished his homework today?——I have on idea .He_____it this morning.为什么选was doing不能选has do


1.By the time you get back,great changes___in this area.
为什么用问will have taken place?2.On his next birthday he __marries for ten years.用will have been 为什么不用has been?3.john _____now for the light in his room is still on .为什么选must be studying而不选must be studying?4.、I_____tennis quite well,but I have not had time to play since the new year.为什么用play不用played5.——Has sam finished his homework today?
——I have on idea .He_____it this morning.为什么选was doing不能选has done

1第一题应该是一个假设句,这从get用原形而不用got可看出来,所以这就相当于将来完成时时,意思就是:当你回来时(现在还没回来),这个地区会发生很大的变化,所以···2因为是下个生日,所以···3我想楼主想写的应该是为什么用must be studying 而不用must study吧,now表示是现在进行时4因为had time 中的had 是一个实义动词,表示“有”,与前面表示现在完成时的have不同,不能加过去分词,所以后面有动词的话要用动词不定式,最后一个因为如果选has done话,那前面就会用yes ,he has.而不用I have no idea 了,所以排除法就是······我觉得如果第一个题出来的话,我们全班都会错,包括我,呵呵,题真的不错

by the time所跟时态要看主句和从句两个方面。但可以肯定的是,主句肯定是完成时。
这里从句是you get back,是条件句,用一般时态表示将来。意思是:你一回来,就会发现这个地方发生了很大的变化。所以主句用将来完成时。
next birthday 将来的日子,怎么能用一般时态has表示呢?用将来完成时
must be studying表示肯定推测,肯定还在看书,因为灯还亮着。
was doing说明说话人看到Sam的时候他正在做。强调正在做这个动作。而且用has done说明已经做完。和i have no idea不符。
回答者: 水野树子 - 高级魔法师 六级 1-11 20:36

by the time所跟时态要看主句和从句两个方面.但可以肯定的是,主句肯定是完成时.这里从句是you get back,是条件句,用一般时态表示将来.意思是:你一回来,就会发现这个地方发生了很大的变化.所以主句用将来完成时.next...
