英语翻译In group to remain in existence,a profit-making organization must,in the long run,produce something consumers consider useful or desirable.


In group to remain in existence,a profit-making organization must,in the long run,produce something consumers consider useful or desirable.

In group to remain in existence, 作目的状语
a profit-making organization 作主语
must produce 作谓语
in the long run 作时间状语
something 东西(产品),作宾语
consumers consider useful or desirable.

(In group to remain in existence状),(a profit-making organization主) must, in the long run, (produce谓) (something宾) (consumers consider useful or desirable宾补).

In group to remain in existence,作目的状语
a profit-making organization 作主语
must produce 作谓语
in the long run 作时间状语
something 东西(产品),作宾语
consumers consider useful or desirable.