给这个句子分析下语法In group to remain in existence,a profit-making organization must,in the long run,produce something consumers consider useful or desirable.in the long run 是时间状语?


In group to remain in existence,a profit-making organization must,in the long run,produce something consumers consider useful or desirable.
in the long run 是时间状语?

In group to remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce
状语 主 情态动词 时间状语 谓语
something (consumers consider useful or desirable).
宾语 定语从句

首先句首的 in group to 应该是 in order to 之误In order to remain in existence,a profit-making organization must,in the long run,produce something consumers consider useful or desirable.In order to ......