What is the main idea of the movie 应该是《惊情四百年》.不知道应该怎样用英文具体概括出来……


What is the main idea of the movie

The novel is mainly composed of journal entries and letters written by several narrators who also serve as the novel's main protagonists; Stoker supplemented the story with occasional newspaper clippings to relate events not directly witnessed by the story's characters.The tale begins with Jonathan Harker,a newly qualified English solicitor,journeying by train and carriage from England to Count Dracula's crumbling,remote castle (situated in the Carpathian Mountains on the border of Transylvania,Bukovina and Moldavia).The purpose of his mission is to provide legal support to Dracula for a real estate transaction overseen by Harker's employer,Peter Hawkins,of Exeter in England.At first enticed by Dracula's gracious manner,Harker soon discovers that he has become a *er in the castle.He also begins to see disquieting facets of Dracula's nocturnal life.One night while searching for a way out of the castle,and against Dracula's strict admonition not to venture outside his room at night,Harker falls under the spell of three wanton female vampires,the Brides of Dracula.He is saved at the last second by the Count,because he wants to keep Harker alive just long enough to obtain needed legal advice and teachings about England and London (Dracula's planned travel destination was to be among the "teeming millions").Harker barely escapes from the castle with his life.