1.Cou you tell me__ at the meeting? Sorry,I don't know.I didn't go to the meeting that day.1.Cou you tell me__ at the meeting? Sorry,I don't know.I didn't go to the meeting that day. A.what he says B.what he said C.what did he sayc你看后面是过去时did.如果选a,他不能总说吧.如果选b,那就是语法错误,没有助动词,而动词在问句中不能用过去式和三单


1.Cou you tell me__ at the meeting? Sorry,I don't know.I didn't go to the meeting that day.
1.Cou you tell me__ at the meeting?
Sorry,I don't know.I didn't go to the meeting that day.
A.what he says B.what he said C.what did he say