1.What color is the white cap that is thrown into the Black Sea?2.Which table doesn't have legs?3.Who earns a living by driving his customers away?4.Which month do soldiiers hate?5.How can you spell "hard water" in three letters?6.Why is nine afraid of seven?翻译以及答案..


1.What color is the white cap that is thrown into the Black Sea?
2.Which table doesn't have legs?
3.Who earns a living by driving his customers away?
4.Which month do soldiiers hate?
5.How can you spell "hard water" in three letters?
6.Why is nine afraid of seven?


1、白帽子掉进黑海里是什么颜色? White(get wet)
2、什么桌子没有腿? vegetabel
3、谁以赶走他的顾客为生? driver
4、士兵最痛恨哪个月? March 因为它有三月的意思也有行军的意思
5、怎样用三个字母拼出“hard water"? ice
6、为什么9怕7? seven eight(ate) nine ate =eat

1.把白色的帽子投进黑海是什么颜色?黑色 Is black2.哪一个桌子上没有腿?这个 This is3.谁赚得顾客最多的钱?老板 Boss4.哪一个月是士兵最憎恨的?九月 September5.你能够用三个字翻译"硬质的水"吗?是冰块 Is ice 6.为...