英语翻译豆香园位于浦东陆家嘴地区,面积为69000平方米.豆香园不仅是一个以豆科植物为主角的特色公园,更是一座满足休闲、游览、活动等各项功能的开放式社区公园.整个公园设计以园林规划为手段,以体现自然景观为基础,将豆科植物作为公园植物的主要造景元素,集中体现中国博大精深的“豆”文化,并为人们休憩,锻炼,聚会创造优美自然的景观环境.豆香园的规划充分考虑基地的地域特色,以现代化建筑材料和和传统建筑形式及庭院空间相结合的手法,创造了传统与现代相融合的景观效果.公园的总体规划从沿道路的规则式庭院空间过渡到公园中间自然式的空间,满足居民避开城市喧嚣,渴望绿色自然的心理需求.公园的植物景观以上海适生的近100种豆科植物为主,也配置一些其它植物,构成丰富多彩的植物景观.豆香园的建设是一个探索,一份尝试.Heung Yuen beans is located in Lujiazui area of Pudong,an area of 69,000 square meters.Heung Yuen beans is


Heung Yuen beans is located in Lujiazui area of Pudong,an area of 69,000 square meters.Heung Yuen beans is not only a leading role in leguminous plants to the characteristics of the park,but also a meet the leisure,sightseeing,activities and other features of opening community park..
The design of the entire park landscape planning as a means to reflect the basis of the natural landscape,the park will plant legumes as the main landscape elements,Which embodies the extensive and profound Chinese"beans" culture,and for people to rest,exercise,gathering to create a pleasant and natural landscape environment.
Heung Yuen beans take full account of the planning of the geographical base of the characteristics of modern and traditional building materials and architectural forms and garden space for a combination of tactics,creating a fusion of traditional and modern landscape effects.The overall planning of the park along the road from the regular garden space transition to the middle of natural park-like space,meet the residents of the city to avoid the noise,the natural desire of the psychological needs of the green.The landscape plants of park in Shanghai suitable landscape for nearly 100 species of legume-based,and also configure a number of other plants,which constitute a rich and varied landscape plants.
Heung Yuen beans is an exploration of the building,a try.

Heung Yuen beans 是什么豆吧……b大写好了
Heung Yuen beans is an exploration of the building, a try.

The construction of Heung Yuen beans is an experiment or an exploration.