英语翻译 i have a backache and ____________(晚上睡不好)
英语翻译 i have a backache and ____________(晚上睡不好)
I have a backache and cannot sleep well in the night.
- 英语翻译本人英语不好,用中文写了篇作文.现求翻译.Letter of congratulations Dear Mr.Francis Chichester,I was delighted to hear that for the first time you have completed the voyage and is awarded knighthoods.I believe that you are a resolute man.when you was away in your new 16-metre boat,Gipsy Moth,我为你勇于挑战的精神感到佩服.当在你离开英国的第一百零七天,不但总共航行了14100英里;比以往单人驾船的最远航程还多一倍多,而且还到达了澳大利亚的悉尼港.当几周之后,我们认为以您的岁数来说已经航行够远了,不要再继续向前航行了.但是您却不顾我们的劝阻,再次扬帆出海.当我收到你成功绕过(险情四伏的)合恩角的消息时,我的内心真的非常激动.在1967年5月28日
- 英语翻译中文部分一走进办公室就闻到一股咖啡香,原来外籍老板贡献了自家的咖啡豆和咖啡机.咖啡对于我来说已经不是好喝不好喝的问题,只是每当我碰到的伤脑筋的事,或累的的时候,都喜欢倒上一杯咖啡捧在手上.所以我非常喜欢房间充满咖啡香的感觉.英文部分The odourof coffee pervades the air when I get into the office.One of ourforeign bosses bring his own coffee machine and coffee bean to our office.For me,the taste is not the most important thing.I have used to hold a cup full inhot coffee when I met some complicated things or when I was tired but stillneed work.So I like the feeling
- 英语翻译鸟文不好....谢谢了啊...When I saw you I knew you were the one I want to orbit you like you're the sun But let me know before I come undone Am I the one for you I'm like a puzzle with a missing piece I got a car but didn't get the keys And only you can set my mind at ease So what am I to do I have everything but the girl I want,it's sad but true And everything but the love I need to make it through And every time I look into your eyes,that's when I realize
- 英语翻译Nigel is our new next dorr neighbour.He's a pilot.He was i R.A.F.He will fiy to New York next mouyh.The month after next he'll fiy to Tokyo.At the moment,He's in Mardrid.He flew to Spain aweek ago.He'll return toLondon the week after next.He's only forty-one years old.And he has already been to nearly every country in the world.Nibel is avery lucky man.But he's wife isn't lucky.也不好给谁分。所以我们改一个 如下:江下列问句翻译过来,如果要回答该用什么形式回答?回答清楚哦!1、How many cities have
- 英语翻译亲爱的 Jenny!首先我声明我是中国人,且我的英文不好!事实上我们以前通过一次信,但那是很久以前了,你一定忘了!我偶然发现我E-mail通讯里还保留着有你的地址,你是否记得你以传教士的名义在中国延吉市的一个教堂里教英语.当时我还给自己起名个英文名叫“Ceallen”,现在回想实在可笑,严重违背了英语名字的规律及发音,我中文名叫Qu Guangyu.我本来去朝鲜族教堂是想巩固我的韩语,没想到双丰收.Dr JennyFirst of all,I explain I'm Chinese and my Enlish not good.Actually we had wrote each other one time.I think you must forgot it.I unexpected saw my address list of e-mail have your address.Are you remember you teached english name of boanerges
- 英语翻译1,这是你的找零和小票,请到那边取下饮料,很快就好2 ,祝你用餐愉快3,不好意思,现在饮料比较多,你先坐一会,一会好了喊你4,你先坐会,一会好了我帮你拿过去5,现在这个信用卡机不能用,能付现金吗6,带走还是在这边吃?for here or to go,sir?7 能用我们的马克杯(玻璃杯)吗?环保一点8,牛肉 猪肉 鸡肉 鱼肉 9 不好意思让您久等了,谢谢你的等待,这是你要的饮料.I’m sorry to have kept you waiting 10,今天需要想吃点什么?和以前一样嘛?11,要尝试下我们的新品吗?这个是酸的(甜的),有牛肉(樱桃酱)12,你先看会,选好了喊我,我先帮这位小姐(先生)点单.13 请稍等一下,我去找下我们的值班经理帮你解决问题14 X先生 X小姐,饮料好了,这边取下15,你是我们随机抽取的顾客心声邀请对象,请看下这张纸上的英文,记得90天内来免费换饮料哦16 要烫的水还是温的?17 刀,叉子,湿纸巾,勺子 18 要留空间加牛奶吗?19 要帮你加好牛奶吗?要加
- 英语语法问题,非进行或将来时的词为啥有时加ing?我能很容易理解美剧说的什么意思(需要查生词,但知道结构也懂得用),但是不知道ing的用法, 根据我的经验是开头无主语的动词+ing,然后一句话的第一句动词里没ing第二句就加(有的时候看到没这种的,所以不确定),想问问怎么弄,我现在造个句吧我今天要去学校吃午饭打球再跑十圈,today i am going to school to play ball and have lunch and run around for ten times (最后跑10圈貌似感觉错)跑到最高的地方练习唱歌,晚上再回家,runing to wehre most highest for training sing song ,then going home in evening (那个song前面要不要加the吧,一直搞不清楚,麻烦也讲一下)就先弄两句吧,大概结构我明白,我知道我基础不好,我会从基础学习,但请帮我简单解答一下ing的应用(不知道是否还有done的用法)
- 急用!两个英语翻译题!1.我们从很小的时候起就认识.We ________________________ each other _______________ we were very young.2.就是因为天气不好我只得在这里再逗留一天.It _______________________ because of the bad weather __________________ I have to stay here for another day.每空次数不限!
- 英语翻译1 My DreamI have adream,I want to be a.Why do I want to be a.What I going to do realive my dream?End 2 单词数在100之内不好意思 ,没说清楚.这是汉译英的题目.把下面的汉语补充完整,再翻译成英语.我的梦想 我有一个梦想,我想成为...为什么我要成为...我将怎么实现我的梦想?(这句是问句,请用英语回答它)结束语
- 英语翻译我拥有较强的责任心和适应工作能力,通过在金悦达公司的学习,我具备了在面对工作困难的时候,随着工作难度增大,随时调整自我、找到处理周围事务合理的方法以及不断提高压力加强抗压能力;虽然在工作实践方面有所欠缺,但我相信通过工作中的实际行动,我定能胜任这份工作;如能为贵司效劳,我定将发挥所学与专长,在工作中不断总结经验,以诚实的品质为贵司贡献我的绵薄之力.这是中文的,英文的(在线翻的,很不好,哪里能修改下)我也粘贴上来,看看哪里能直接修改的,I have a strong sense of responsibility and the ability to adapt working,through learning,I have in the face of difficulties when working with work harder,and adjust ego,find better processing method and the matters around the compr
- 英语翻译这个现在我得走了 为什么要用have done
- there is no such thing=?there is no such thing这个是有的把,好像老师和我们说过,there is no such thing =there is not a such thing还是there is not such a thing