帮忙翻译成英文、快.谢谢哈没 有 什 么、可 以 是 一 辈 子 、不变开始的时侯,我们就知道,总会有终结不要用翻译器


没 有 什 么、可 以 是 一 辈 子 、不变

Nothing remains unchanged in a lifetime,and we know'st everything has its ending.

Nothing stays unchanged in a lifetime.
We knew the destined end when we began.

there is nothing to worry,we can be forever,
At the beginning,we all know,there is an end.

nothing could stay with no change.
at the very beginning, we all konw that every thing will have an end

Nothing remains unchanged for a lifelong time.When we start,we know that it must come to the *