关于英语句子结构及翻译的The spirit of fair-play,which in the public schools,at any rate,is absorbed as the most inviolable of traditions,has stood our race in good stead in the professions,and especially in the administration of dependencies,where the obvious desire of the officials to deal justly and see fair-play in disputes between natives and Europeans has partly compensated for a want of sympathetic understanding,which has kept the English strangers in lands


The spirit of fair-play,which in the public schools,at any rate,is absorbed as the most inviolable of traditions,has stood our race in good stead in the professions,and especially in the administration of dependencies,where the obvious desire of the officials to deal justly and see fair-play in disputes between natives and Europeans has partly compensated for a want of sympathetic understanding,which has kept the English strangers in lands of alien culture. _William Ralph Inge

The spirit of fair-play 主语
has stood 谓语
our race 宾语