求高手帮忙自己写一篇英语作文,100到120词,急用,题目是《倒霉的一天》,讲的是早上起晚了,去车站还没有等到工交车,只好走着上学,到了学校,老师告诉我有英语考试,而我却忘了这件事而没有复习,而到了晚上在床上喝水,把水撒了一床.写一篇100到120词的英语作文,要高三水准,急用.最好10:00前给我.作文中可添加合理细节.最好用到:The day started to go wrong the instant i left home But the troublewas only just begining冲我给的悬赏有想糊弄事的您还是去别地吧.2楼你写的是什么东西?不要瞎粘,你粘错内容了!


急用,题目是《倒霉的一天》,讲的是早上起晚了,去车站还没有等到工交车,只好走着上学,到了学校,老师告诉我有英语考试,而我却忘了这件事而没有复习,而到了晚上在床上喝水,把水撒了一床.写一篇100到120词的英语作文,要高三水准,急用.最好10:00前给我.作文中可添加合理细节.最好用到:The day started to go wrong the instant i left home But the troublewas only just begining

a terrible day
There is a chinese saying that if you met bad luck, even you can be choked by water. i got such a bad day which you can never imagin.
one day, i got up late in the morning and hurried to the bus stop, unfortunately, the bus had not come for a long time, so i had to walk to school. when i got the school, the teacher told me there would be a exam which i had forgotten already. i got home disappointedly, my mother asked me what happened that day, i kept slient, so my mother gave me a cup of water to comfort me . for the god sake, i split the water all over my bed when i drank them. what a bad day!