帮忙看看这篇关于关爱老人的英语作文请包括以下要点:1.结合你的实际生活,谈谈在关爱老人方面,你平时是怎样做的2.就老年人应该得到的待遇发表你的看法并阐明理由可使用自己的亲身经历或虚构故事I always showed my respect and love to the old.My grandparents don’t live with us,but we always do our best to help them.I have also visited rest home to accompany the old and chat with them.In my opinion,it is our duty to care the old.The old have been working hard all their lives.And they gave lives to us and brought us up.I think the old should be paid more


I always showed my respect and love to the old.My grandparents don’t live with us,but we always do our best to help them.I have also visited rest home to accompany the old and chat with them.
In my opinion,it is our duty to care the old.The old have been working hard all their lives.And they gave lives to us and brought us up.I think the old should be paid more attention as everybody now seems to be busy working but ignore their parents and grandparents.The old not only need money and presents,they also need respect and love.

I always showed my respect and love to the old.
改:I always show my respect...
I have also visited rest home to accompany
啥叫rest home啊?不懂.改成their home
In my opinion,it is our duty to care the old.
虽然care the old也没啥错,但是不常用.
改成take care of the old 或者更好一点:keep an eye on the old
The old have been working hard all their lives.
I think the old should be paid more attention as everybody now seems to be busy working but ignore their parents and grandparents.
I think the old should be paid more attention to though their children may be busy working and ignore them.