英语作文(中文译英文)根据下面提示的内容,写一篇介绍航天英雄杨利伟的短文.70个词左右.杨利伟是中国首位宇航员,1965年出生于辽宁省.22岁成为一名飞行员,11年后,参加中国太空项目,之后训练了五年.2003年,“神舟”五号载着他绕地球转了14圈后,第二天安全着陆.他向地球上的人招手,并展示了中国国旗.他是国家英雄.开头:Yang Liwei is China's first astronaut.


开头:Yang Liwei is China's first astronaut.

Yang Liwei is China's first astronaut, who was born Liaoning Province in 1965. When he was 22 years old he became a pilot. 11 years later, he participated in China's space program, after which he has trained five years. In 2003, the "Shenzhou V" carried him around the earth 14 circles, and safe landed in next day. He waved to people on the earth, and showed the Chinese national flag. He is indeed a national hero.

China's first astronaut,Yang liwei was born in 1965 in liaoning province.22 years to become a pilot,11 years in China,the space project,after five years of training.In 2003,the shenzhou iv carrying hi...