英语翻译Directions:For thispart ,you are allowed thirty minutes to write a passage under the titleON-Long-distance Education.You should write at least 120 words in threeparagraphs and base your writing on the outline below in Chinese.1.科技的发展的信息时代的到来正逐步改变着我们的生活方式.2.远程教育有许多优越性.3.但是远程教育并不是适合每个人.Words for reference:information,technology,education,computer,television


Directions:For thispart ,you are allowed thirty minutes to write a passage under the titleON-Long-distance Education.You should write at least 120 words in threeparagraphs and base your writing on the outline below in Chinese.
Words for reference:information,technology,education,computer,television

On Long-distance EducationAlong with the development of science,the coming of information age is chaning our life.The long-distance education is developing rapidly.There are many advantages in long-di...