英语作文求大神修改一下The one who encouraged me most That year we are also very confuse,don't know what his future will be?Because of unknown let's fear,because fear let's afraid of walking.But she let me know to be a brave man,don't be afraid!She always pony-tailed sit next to my efforts to learn every day,she is my same table.For a while I feel confused about my future,don't know what you can do in the future,become a what kind of person,so I asked her to you


The one who encouraged me most That year we are also very confuse,don't know what his future will be?Because of unknown let's fear,because fear let's afraid of walking.But she let me know to be a brave man,don't be afraid!
She always pony-tailed sit next to my efforts to learn every day,she is my same table.For a while I feel confused about my future,don't know what you can do in the future,become a what kind of person,so I asked her to you accept any plans for your future but she told me she didn't know and cross the bridge when you come to it.Don't get freaked and give up Her words let me suddenly understand,why should we care about so much,brave forward constantly move forward,don't fear for the future,as long as we stick to the end will be a success