按句子意思和首字母填空1.V____ gifts are always considered to be presentable2.his T-shirt and jeans were not a___ for such a serious meeting3.Many examples and grammatical information are among the special f___ of this dictionary4.When did the accident o___?5.Personal computers are of u___ interest; everyone is learning how to use them6.Chinese o_____ students played a very important role in welcoming the Olympic torch


1.V____ gifts are always considered to be presentable
2.his T-shirt and jeans were not a___ for such a serious meeting
3.Many examples and grammatical information are among the special f___ of this dictionary
4.When did the accident o___?
5.Personal computers are of u___ interest; everyone is learning how to use them
6.Chinese o_____ students played a very important role in welcoming the Olympic torch