英语翻译i saw him ( )整个上午在看书mary()每天花上一个小时学习钢琴the old is hurt so much that() 我们必须马上请医院with the help of his teacher,he()最终解决了问题()请代我问候你的父母when you get back to hangzhou


i saw him ( )整个上午在看书
the old is hurt so much that() 我们必须马上请医院
with the help of his teacher,he()最终解决了问题
()请代我问候你的父母when you get back to hangzhou

i saw him (reading the whole aftrnoon)整个上午在看书
mary(spends an hour practising playing piano)每天花上一个小时学习钢琴
the old is hurt so much that(we must send him to the hospital) 我们必须马上请医院
with the help of his teacher,he(solved the problem)最终解决了问题
(please send my best wishes to your parents)请代我问候你的父母when you get back to hangzhou