句型转换:1.A:All the pupils have read this storybook .Their England teacher has read this book ,too.B :______ ______ all the pupils ______ ______ their English teacher has read this storybook .2.A :Li Hua spraks English best in her class .B :_____speaks English _____ _____ Li Hua in her class.3.A:Most of his questions were not about his lessons.B:Most of his questions _____ _____ _____ _____ _____his lessons.4.A:Maybe something is wrong with your bike.B:T


1.A:All the pupils have read this storybook .Their England teacher has read this book ,too.
B :______ ______ all the pupils ______ ______ their English teacher has read this storybook .
2.A :Li Hua spraks English best in her class .
B :_____speaks English _____ _____ Li Hua in her class.
3.A:Most of his questions were not about his lessons.
B:Most of his questions _____ _____ _____ _____ _____his lessons.
4.A:Maybe something is wrong with your bike.
B:There_____ _____ something _____ _____ your bike.

1not only but also
2who best is
4may be wrong with

1.Not only ...but also
2.None ...better than
3.have nothing to do with
4.may be ...wrong with

Not only,but also
better than
3.had nothing to do with
4.might be
wrong with