初一的英语短文填空,很简单的~在线等...Sam comes from America. He lives in Beijing now. One day,he walks on the______. He wants to call his mother,but he can't_______a pay phone. He seesa man in front of a bank. He comes to the______and asks him,“Excuse me. Is there a______near here?”“Yes,”answers the man. “Look,it's there,______to the library.” Sam says_______to the man and gets to the pay phone. There he finds


Sam comes from America. He lives in Beijing now. One day,he walks on the
______. He wants to call his mother,but he can't_______a pay phone. He sees
a man in front of a bank. He comes to the______and asks him,“Excuse me.
Is there a______near here?”“Yes,”answers the man. “Look,it's there,
______to the library.”
Sam says_______to the man and gets to the pay phone. There he finds
a______. He picks it up(捡起)and thinks,“Who ______the watch?”He
looks around,but he can't see______. So he takes the watch to a policeman(警察)near there. Ah,the watch is the policeman's. Sam calls his mother and tells her_______that. His mother is very happy.

street.find.man.pay -phone(这是一个单词) next thanks watch lost anyone about