英语翻译1.她不能上班是因为一场车祸.(as a result of) 2.那个小女孩看上去有难,于是我游过去救她.(in trouble)3.虽然当时正下着雨,他还是到那里去了.(though)4.请确保在夜间所有的灯都关掉.(ensure)5.寒冷的天气导致了植物的死亡.(cause)


1.她不能上班是因为一场车祸.(as a result of)
2.那个小女孩看上去有难,于是我游过去救她.(in trouble)

1、She can't go to work as a resoult of a traffic accident.
2、The little girl seems in trouble, so I swam to save her.
3、Though it was raining, he went there.
4、Please ensure that all the lights are turned off at night.
5、The plants death cause the cold weather.

as a resulf of a car accident, she can never go to work again.
it seems like that little girl is in trouble, so I swam to save her.
Though it was raining at that moment, he still went there.
please ensure all the lights are turned off during the night
The cold weather caused the death of the plants

1. She can not go to work as a result of a car accident.
2. It seemed that little girl was in trouble, so I swam to save her.
3. Though it was raining, he still went there.
4. You must ensure that all the lamps are turned off in the night.
5. Cold weather causes the death of plant.

1 She can't go to work as a result of a car accident.
2 That little girl seems in trouble, so I swim to help her.
3 Though it was raining, he went there.
4 Please ensure that all lights are turned off.
5 The cold weather causes the death of plants.

1. She can't go to work as a result of an accident.
2. I swam along to help the little girl who seemed in trouble.
3. Though it was raining, he went there anyway.
4. Please ensure all the lights to be turned out.
5. The cold weather caused the death of the vegetals.

1. As a result of a car accident, she couldn't go to work.
2. It seemed the little girl was in trouble, so I swam over to save her.
3. Though it was raining then, he still went there.
4. Please ensure that all lights be turned off in the night time.
5. The cold weather caused the death of the plants.

1.她不能上班是因为一场车祸.(as a result of)
2.那个小女孩看上去有难,于是我游过去救她.(in trouble)
1.As a result of a car accident,she couldn't go to work.
2.It seemed the little girl was in trouble,so I swam over to save her.
3.Though it was raining,he still went there.
4.Please ensure that all the lights are turned off at night.
5.The cold weather caused the death of the plants

1、she is unable to go to work as a result of an accident.
2、That girl appears to be in trouble,so i swim out to save her.
3、Though it was rainning,he went there.
4、Please ensure that all the lights are switched off at night.
5、The cold weather causes the plant.to dead.(death of the plant)