英语翻译“全体员工真诚祝福新人喜结良缘 幸福美满” 翻译成英文怎么说阿?基本意思就成,但一定要准确,不然就要闹笑话了 不好意思啊 加上大酒店可以吗?是大酒店全体员工真诚祝福新人喜结良缘 幸福美满


“全体员工真诚祝福新人喜结良缘 幸福美满”
不好意思啊 加上大酒店可以吗?
是大酒店全体员工真诚祝福新人喜结良缘 幸福美满

Sincere best wishes to all staff happy couple tie the nuptial knot

全体员工真诚祝福新人喜结良缘 幸福美满”
All the staff sincerely bless you tying the nuptial knot and being happy.

Hotel staff sincere blessings happy couple tie the nuptial knot

Sincere best wishes to all staff new to tie the nuptial knot happier

楼上的几位连subject and object都搞反了.
We all the staff send our best wishes for your/the new couple's happy marriage.