Many people in China or in the US will never have the opportunity to take part in the new international economy because they have no second language skills or advanced education.they will remain poor and disadvantaged.This could lead to many problems.what kind of problems,What would you do about these problems if you were the leader of your country用英语回答一下,不用太多,就跟口语口头说说就行,因为1:30老外就要考了- -


Many people in China or in the US will never have the opportunity to take part in the new international economy because they have no second language skills or advanced education.they will remain poor and disadvantaged.This could lead to many problems.what kind of problems,What would you do about these problems if you were the leader of your country
因为1:30老外就要考了- -


First of all, introduce second language to the country by employing outside teachers. After that, develop step by step in education course maybe short course or advance level.