The why he was late for school is that he was overslept.句中的 why 可不可以省略?可不可以用 that 替


The why he was late for school is that he was overslept.句中的 why 可不可以省略?可不可以用 that 替

why 不能省略不能用that代替,要不意思就不对了。第一个单词是不是that。应该是 That why he was late for school is that he was overslept. 前面是一个that 引导的主语从句,is后面是that引导的表语从句。“他上学迟到的原因是睡过头了。”

去掉句首The就对了。要去掉why就得改为The reason of he.....

The reason why he was late for school is that he was overslept .这样才对
