给划线部分选出恰当的汉语意思1.Speak like a book.这里的"Speak like a 2.-He tells me he speaks ten languages.-In pig's eye!这里的"In pig's 3-Who's the girl in the hat?-She's my daughter,Alice.这里的"in the 4.Many hands make light work.这里的"Many hands make light 5.David is very excellent.Now he is the top dog of a big company.这里的"top


1.Speak like a book.这里的"Speak like a
2.-He tells me he speaks ten languages.-In pig's eye!这里的"In pig's
3-Who's the girl in the hat?-She's my daughter,Alice.这里的"in the
4.Many hands make light work.这里的"Many hands make light
5.David is very excellent.Now he is the top dog of a big company.这里的"top

3.相当于with hat,戴着帽子的女孩

1.Speak like a book.说话文绉绉 咬文嚼字2.In pig's eye是“决不,当然不”的意思.3.in the hat应该就是“戴帽子”的意思4.hands make light work人多好办事5.top dog就是指处于支配地位,主宰地位.全是字典查来的,谢...