英语,用下列单词完成对话in,near,across,next through,down,between,in front of,behind1、A:Is there a supermarket ______ here?B:Yes,there is one to a restaurant.2、A:Excuse me.Is there a bank ____ the neighborhood?B:Yes,there is.Go Sixth Avenue and turn right.It’s ____ from the library.3、A、Where’s the post office?B、Walk ____ the park to the next street.There’s one ____ the supermarket and the library.4、A:Where’s the hotel?B:The hotel?It’s _____ the library.5、A:Excuse


in,near,across,next through,down,between,in front of,behind
1、A:Is there a supermarket ______ here?
B:Yes,there is one to a restaurant.
2、A:Excuse me.Is there a bank ____ the neighborhood?
B:Yes,there is.Go Sixth Avenue and turn right.It’s ____ from the library.
3、A、Where’s the post office?
B、Walk ____ the park to the next street.There’s one ____ the supermarket and the library.
4、A:Where’s the hotel?
B:The hotel?It’s _____ the library.
5、A:Excuse me.Is there a restaurant near here?
B:Yes,it’s ___ ____ _____ the post office.

1. near 在...附近
2. in
3. down
4. next through
5. in front of
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