I have no paper to_________.问:应该填write on还是write with?Why?


I have no paper to_________.
问:应该填write on还是write with?Why?

write on write写on上面 写在什么上面
write with write写with和什么 翻译句子就不通顺 所以改选write on o(∩_∩)o...

write on 因为“在纸上写”即:“write on paper”,若“write with paper”则译为“用纸写”,意义不当,可以举一例“write with a pen" “用钢笔写”,能明白吗?

have sth. to do 意思是有……要做
write on the paper & in ink 是固定短语
这里涉及到非谓语动词中动词不定式的用法问题,to do