


1. Do you consider the negative effect of classmates?
2. I like study in law, but haven't decided to be a lawyer.
3. You'd better hurry up ,the first class began ten minutes ago.
4. Tom's parents were dead. he has fended for himself since then

1.Did you consider students'adverse effect?
2. I like to study law, but I have not decided to be a lawyer.
3.You'd better hurry up ,the first lesson has already begun ten minutes .
4.Tom's parents is dead.he made his living after they had died .

1.你有没有考虑到过同学们的不良影响?1.Have you took negative influences from your classmates into consideration 2.我喜欢研究法律,但还没有决定当不当律师.2.I like studying laws but haven't made up my min...

1. You have to have the students consider the negative impact ?
2. I like to study law, but has not decided when the lawyer misconduct.
3. You'd better a little faster, the first class has 10 minutes of the start.
4.Tom parents died, since the death of his parents on their own to make a living.