英语翻译1.当我们在度假时,有人曾进入房内.(break in)2.再试试,你就能爬过那道墙.(and)3.目前市场上大部分的袋子都是塑料做的.(be made of)4.及时记下你所听到的东西,就能防止你忘记.(prevent...from)


1.当我们在度假时,有人曾进入房内.(break in)
3.目前市场上大部分的袋子都是塑料做的.(be made of)

1.当我们在度假时,有人曾进入房内。(break in)
Someone broke in the house when we were on vacation.

Try again and you can climb over that wall.
3.目前市场上大部分的袋子都是塑料做的。(be made of)
Nowadays, most of the bags in the market are made of plastics.
Writing down what you have heard in time can prevent you from forgetting them.

1. Someone broke in the room when we were on holiday.
2. Try again and you'll be able to flip over that wall.
3. Right now, most of the bags on the market are made of plastic.
4. Record down whatever you hear in time to prevent yourself from forgetting them.

1.When we on holiday,someone broke in the room.
2Try again,and you can cross that wall.
3.Nowadays,most bags are madr of plastics in the market.
4.White down what you hear in time,so that can prevent you from forgeting them.

1. When we were on vacation, someone had broken in the room. (Break in)

2. And then try, you can climb over that wall. (And)
3. Most of the bags currently on the market are made of plastic. (Be made of)
4. Timely note of what you hear, can prevent you form forgeting it. (Prevent. .. from)

1.当我们在度假时,有人曾进入房内.(break in)Someboday broke in the house when we were in vocation.2.再试试,你就能爬过那道墙.(and)Try again,and you will turn that wall over.3.目前市场上大部分的袋子都...