

The principal complication introduced in going from the discrete to the continuous
application of Monte Carlo simulated annealing is that the choice of the random
steps becomes more subtle. In general, the optimal magnitude and directions of the
vector steps are not known in advance. Steps which are too small will be very inefficient
in exploring the phase space; steps which are too large will always be rejected.
If the function minimum lies in a highly anisotropic valley, steps which explore in
directions perpendicular to the valley axis are generally wasted. Finally, the size of
the steps should shrink as the temperature is reduced and the volume of accessible
phase space shrinks. The principal innovation introduced here is a self-regulatory
mechanism for the step distribution which automatically insures that an efficient
choice of step size and anisotropy is maintained throughout the anneal.

应该是 步骤的意思谢谢,大部分应该是步骤的意思,可是有时候将步骤这意思翻译到论文的整段中却都不通顺了方便摘一段完整的话么?If the function minimum lies in a highly anisotropic valley, steps which explore indirections perpendicular to the valley axis are generally wasted. Finally, the size ofthe steps should shrink as the temperature is reduced and the volume of accessiblephase space shrinks.