请求翻译,将中文翻译成英语,不要使用翻译软件!不要使用翻译软件! 话说奥运会,1968年墨西哥奥运会,一名马拉松运动员在比赛中拉伤了右腿,面对漫长的赛程,他没有放弃,天色渐渐暗下,最终天黑了才跨过终点,他的坚强,他的不言放弃让人感动.努力不一定成功,但放弃必定失败!



talking about olympic games, in the 1968 olympic game in mexico, an athlete of marathon hurt his right leg during the race. facing the long course he did not give up because of the injury and kept running and finally crossed the finish line after the sky was already dark. his strong will and never giving up are really very touching. although persistent effort does not necessarily lead to success but giving up only means failure.

Let's go to the Olympic Games,in the games of 1968,Mexico,a marathon athlete happened to strain his right leg in the match.Although time passed and a distant way left; however,he didn't give up and ma...