英语翻译at least 10days prior to the 1st day if the load port laycan,buyer has the option to appoint an independent inspection agency of his choice,to carry out a pre-shipment stockpile analysis of coal at each jetty from which the barge loading will be carried out.the inspection agency would report the total quantity available for loading,the quality of coal available for loading and also indicate that the cargo is being held in ownership by the seller.n


at least 10days prior to the 1st day if the load port laycan,buyer has the option to appoint an independent inspection agency of his choice,to carry out a pre-shipment stockpile analysis of coal at each jetty from which the barge loading will be carried out.the inspection agency would report the total quantity available for loading,the quality of coal available for loading and also indicate that the cargo is being held in ownership by the seller.norminationof vessel would be subject to readiness of at least 80% of the full shipment size and upon satisfactory reporting by the inspection agency on their pre-shipment inspection/analysis.All cost of this pre-shipment analysis would be borne by the buyer.

至少十天之前,第1天,如果负荷港口船期 ,买方有权选择任命一位独立的检查机构,他所选择的,要进行一场装运前储存分析煤炭在每一个突堤码头,由该驳船的装载将进行本文检查机构将报告总量可装载,煤炭质量供负荷也显示了该货是被关押在所有权属于卖家.被提名的船只将受到充分准备,至少有80 %的全部装运的规模和是否令人满意报告,由检验机构对各自的预-出货检验/ 分析.全部成本,这装运前分析会,应由买方承担.