初一 英语 英语作文 请详细解答,谢谢! (13 15:59:12)PUAI要去火车站,但他不知道去火车站的路.于是他向警察求助,警察告诉他火车站在五公里外,乘18路车在第三站下车,火车站就在汽车站对面.


初一 英语 英语作文 请详细解答,谢谢! (13 15:59:12)

Paul: Excuse me, Uncle Police. I'm new here. Can you tell me which way I can get to the railway station?
Police: Oh, the railway station is five kilometers away from here. You can take the No.18 bus there. And you can get off at the No.3 bus stop. The railway station is just opposite to the stop.
Paul: Thank you, uncle! Bye-bye.
Police: You're welcome. Good luck! Bye!

Pual wanted to go to the railway station.But he did not know the way to the railway station.So he asked the policeman for help.The policeman told him that the railway station is 5 kilometres away from here.He can take the No.18 Bus and get off at the third stop.The railway ststion is at the opposite of bus stop.

Paul:Excuse me,Uncle Police.I'm new here.Can you tell me which way I can get to the railway station?
Police:Oh,the railway station is five kilometers away from here.You can take the No.18 bus there.And you can get off at the No.3 bus stop.The railway station is just opposite to the stop.
Paul:Thank you,uncle!Bye-bye.
Police:You're welcome.Good luck!Bye!