一篇关于保护环境的英语小作文请根据以下提示,针对山东北部遭受沙尘暴袭击的情况,向英语周报社投稿,呼吁大家植树造林,保护环境1.过去家乡树木成林 2.如今人们毁林种地建房 3.气候变化土地沙漠化 4.植树造林,人人有责 要80字的英语作文高中水平哦


1.过去家乡树木成林 2.如今人们毁林种地建房 3.气候变化土地沙漠化 4.植树造林,人人有责 要80字的英语作文高中水平哦

Hi,dear sir/madam:
Hello,this is **,it is well known that the north of Shandong are suffering from dust storms attacks all those days,considering this,i'm here to submit a writing for publication to appeal the public to plant more trees,thus protect our environment.
I believe there must be a lot of green plants around us and definitely formed an unforgetable part of our childhood.Compared with the past,people now cut down trees to grow crops and build constructions.All those behaviors contribute to the climate change and desertification.While it is human beings that are bound to be responsible for these phenomenons.To creat a good,clear and beautiful environment,each individual should plant more trees.