


"The monkey's paw",author:(English) Jacobs; Liu Zhanpeng.Author Jacobs is a famous British writer of short stories.His short story "the monkey's paw" in art is perfect,the author tried to render the monkey's paw resulted inpeople's psychological horror atmosphere,look after theshiver all over though not cold; until the end of the story,also did not say what terrible thing waiting in front of the door,leaving the reader strong suspense and aftertaste."The monkey's paw" in European and American readershave reputation is not bad,is the epitome of British thriller.
《猴爪》,作者:(英)雅各布斯 著;刘展鹏 译注.作者雅各布斯是英国著名短篇小说作家.他的短篇小说《猴爪》在艺术上相当完美,作者极力渲染猴爪在人们心理上造成的阴森恐怖气氛,令人看后不寒而栗;直到故事结束,也没说出是什么可怕的东西等候在门前,给读者留下了强烈的悬念和回味.《猴爪》在欧美读者中一直盛誉不衰,是英国惊险小说中的典范之作.