英语翻译But in some other countries,if you give a loud belch(打嗝),you are told to say"----,please"Manners are different all over the word.But it is good to know------all manners begin in the ----way.People need ways to -----that they want to be friend.第一空A.to eat B.eat.C.eating D.ate第二空A.what B.which.C.since D.that第三空A.different B.same C.some D.difficult第四空A.take B.bring C.see D.show


But in some other countries,if you give a loud belch(打嗝),you are told to say"----,please"
Manners are different all over the word.But it is good to know------all manners begin in the ----way.People need ways to -----that they want to be friend.
第一空A.to eat B.eat.C.eating D.ate
第二空A.what B.which.C.since D.that
第三空A.different B.same C.some D.difficult
第四空A.take B.bring C.see D.show

1 A祈使句动词原形
2 D
3 B 理解
4 D 理解- -

你的第一个空的选项应该是不对的,应该是填Excuse me
主要考查习Excuse me, Sorry等习惯用法.将要给别人带来麻烦时,应该说Excuse me
第二个空主要考查连词用法.空格后的句子作动词 know 的宾语从句, 去掉不合题意的 since. 又因宾语从句中已有了宾语,所以去掉 A,B,故选 D.
第三个空主要考查形容词用法辩析. 首先去掉不合题意的 difficult. A,B,C 三个选项中,A,C 项修饰复数名词,故排除,所以选 B. 另,different后接可数名词单数时,其前应用不定冠词a
