we can not find him 改为肯定句i am interested in singing. 改为一般疑问句we have got to call the police. 改为否定句everyone can ride the roller coaster 改为否定句


we can not find him 改为肯定句
i am interested in singing. 改为一般疑问句
we have got to call the police. 改为否定句
everyone can ride the roller coaster 改为否定句

Am I interested in singing
We have not got to call the police

We can find him.
Are you interested in singing?
We don't have to call the police.
Not everyone can ride the roller coaster.

We can find him .Are you interested in singing?we haven't got to call the police.Nobody can ride the roller coaster .( 注意这道的否定句,不能直接在CAN 后加NOT ,因为EVERYONE 与NOT 连用表示部分否定.)如...