阅读短文,Hello!My name is Ken.I am 12.My birthday is on March 3rd.It's in spring.Spring is beautiful.But I like winter best,because I can skate and play in the snow.I have a good friend.His name is Mike.His birthday is in December.He likes winter,too.1:Which season is Ken's birthday in?(Spring.)2:Which season does Ken like best?(Winter.)3:What can Ken do in winter?(He can skate and play in the snow.)4:Whose birthday is in December?(Mike.)5:How old is Ken?


阅读短文,Hello!My name is Ken.I am 12.My birthday is on March 3rd.It's in spring.
Spring is beautiful.But I like winter best,because I can skate and play in the snow.I have a good friend.His name is Mike.His birthday is in December.He likes winter,too.1:Which season is Ken's birthday in?(Spring.)2:Which season does Ken like best?(Winter.)3:What can Ken do in winter?(He can skate and play in the snow.)4:Whose birthday is in December?(Mike.)5:How old is Ken?(12.)回答对吗?


He  can   skate  and  play  in  the  snow