英语翻译我打中文,你们翻译下,不要用软件翻译,手写把.Online shopping and logistic 网上购物和物流.随着信息技术的发展,网络购物开始兴起,并且逐步被广大人们所接受.人们可以不用出门,只用在家里用电脑选择自己喜欢的产品就可以了.当然网络购物的发展,带动了物流的发展,越来越多的物流就业岗位也成了空缺,所以有很多人学习物流,包括我在内.网上购物的流程大概是这样的,网上下单,物流发货.所以网上购物和物流都是必不可少的环节,体现了网上购物和物流有密切联系,所以我要好好学习物流,将来一定能有所成就.求大神帮我翻译下,不要用在线翻译和软件哦.


Online shopping and logistic

With the development of information technology, online shopping began to rise and gradually accepted by people. Instead of go out,people can only use a computer at home to choose their favorite products on it. Of course, the development of online shopping, led to the development of logistics, more and more logistics jobs have become vacant, so there are a lot of people to learn the logistics, including me. The process of online shopping is something like this, online orders, logistics delivery. So online shopping and logistics are an essential part, reflects the online shopping and logistics are closely linked, so I want to learn the logistics, and I must be able to have success in the future.