


A man has only one heart, but there are two atrium. A live happy, A lived sadness. Don't laugh too loudly, or you will wake the flank of sadness.

everyone only has one heart but two heart-houses .one lives the happiness ,the other one lives the sorrow .do not laught too loudly, or the sorrow will be waken up

The people have only one heart, but the heart had two parts. one is happy, another is sad. So please do not do not laugh too loud, it will noise the sad up.

A man has only one heart, but two atrium. one of them is for the happiness, the other one is sorrow. Don't laugh loudly to wake up the sorrow beside.

One person has one heart only,yet two atriums.In one there lives the happiness ,another for the sorrow.So don't laught too loudly,or the sorrow will be waken up.