Go ____ this street and take the first turning on the right.A through B past C across D pass


Go ____ this street and take the first turning on the right.
A through B past C across D pass

选C go across this street/ road 属于动词短语,"穿过这条街” 识记即可。
through 介词, 从内部空间穿过,如 go through + the fog/ rain/ window/ snow/ forest
past 介词, “经过,路过” 如, He walked past me . It's half past six.
pass 动词, "经过,路过“ 如: Everything will pass . This moment will pass . As time passes by, it can tell us everything about the truth.

Cgo across穿过,固定搭配through穿过(强调丛物体内部或一定范围内)past1. 过去的;刚过去的 2. 过去了的;完了的 The danger is past. 危险已过. 3. 以前的;前任的pass单词pass,既可以作为动词使用又可以作为名词使...