英语翻译1、an interesting place to go or thing to do_ _ _ _ _ _ _ i _ _2、talk with someone and ask him or her questions about something_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3、under the surface of the ground_ _ _ e _ _ _ o _ n _4、something that gives people pleasure or fun_ _ _ _ _ _ e _ _5、a mark made on the ground by a foot_ _ _ _ p _ _ _ _6、a person,a animal in a book ,play ,film,ect._ _ _ _ a _ _ _ _7、letters,parcels,ect.,sent by postm _ _ _8、the land beside the sea_ _ _ _


1、an interesting place to go or thing to do
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ i _ _
2、talk with someone and ask him or her questions about something
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3、under the surface of the ground
_ _ _ e _ _ _ o _ n _
4、something that gives people pleasure or fun
_ _ _ _ _ _ e _ _
5、a mark made on the ground by a foot
_ _ _ _ p _ _ _ _
6、a person,a animal in a book ,play ,film,ect.
_ _ _ _ a _ _ _ _
7、letters,parcels,ect.,sent by post
m _ _ _
8、the land beside the sea
_ _ _ _ t
9、the part of something that is furtheraway from its centre
_ _ _

1. attraction 景点
2. interview 面试
3. underground 地下
4. amusement 游乐场
5. footprint 脚印
6. character 角色
7. mail 邮件
8. coast 海滨

3 underground
4 amusement
5 footprint
6 character
7 mail
8 coast
9 rim

1.attraction 景点
2.interview 面试
3.underground 地下
4.amusement 游乐场
5.footprint 脚印
6.character 角色
7.mail 邮件
8.coast 海岸
9.rim 边