


After his wife dies,Carl Fredericksen (Ed Asner) faces a lonely life ahead,possibly in a retirement community.
He decides to have the adventure that he and his wife always dreamed of,and sets out for the quasi-legendary Paradise Falls in South America.
His method of travel?The family home,lifted by an amazing canopy of balloons.
However,he isn't alone ...he's inadvertently picked up an enthusiastic 8-year-old Wilderness Explorer,Russell (Jordan Nagai),who only wants to help.
As the movie progresses,Carl's house stops being a means for escape and adventure,and turns into a burden that the two explorers have to drag around with them.
And the movie shifts from a sweet and slightly fantastic story about how an older man copes with loneliness and regret,into a comic action-adventure tale with a setting and characters that would be right at home in Warner Bros.
cartoons,especially the "Road Runner" series.Only instead of Wile E.
Coyote,Carl and Russell find the explorer who inspired Carl when he was Russell's age,Charles Muntz (Christopher Plummer).