During the Han period in China ,mirrors were believed ( to influence)【用influence的正确形式填空】the heavens magically.


During the Han period in China ,mirrors were believed ( to influence)【用influence的正确形式填空】the heavens magically.
该题出自一篇语法填空,括号内为所填答案,麻烦英语达人帮忙翻译一下这个句子,还有,请问该题中,为什么填“to influence”不填“influencing"?(同样是非谓语呀),

* make the horse go赶着马走(不带 to 的不定式 go 作使役动词 make 后宾语 horse 的补足语)
* cause the debate to be ended促使辩论终止(不定式 to be ended 作使役动词 cause 后宾语 debate 的补足语)
* see him get on the bus 看到他上了公交车(不带to 的不定式 get on the bus 作知觉动词 see 后宾语 him 的补足语)
* believe the news to be true 认为这个消息是真实的(不定式 to be true 作知觉动词 believe 后宾语 the news 的补足语)
* the horse is made to go赶着马走(不定式 to go 作使役动词 make 主语 the horse 的补足语)
* the debate is caused to be ended辩论被促使终止(不定式 to be ended 作使役动词 cause 的主语 debate 的补足语)
* he is seen to get on the bus 他被看到上了公交车(不定式 to get on the bus 作知觉动词 see 主语 he 的补足语)
* the news is believedto be true这个消息被认为是真实的(不定式 to be true 作知觉动词 believe 主语 the news 的补足语)

3、本句中的被动语态 mirrorswerebelieved to influence the heavensmagically(镜子被认为不可思议地影响了苍穹) 就是由主动语态 people believed mirrors to influence the heavensmagically(人们认为镜子不可思议地影响了苍穹)变来的.在主动语态中,不定式 to influence 是宾语补足语;变成被动语态后,不定式就改变为主语补足语.