1.why do you study English (答案最好有特色一点题)


1.why do you study English (答案最好有特色一点题)
2.why do you want to study business (答案最好有特色一点)
3.what do you think of some modern methods of payment (credit cards,cheques,bank transfers)?(从优劣势给出宏观答案 advantage:fast and convenient,simple...disadvantage:it is danagerous.the danger of personal details being revealed.)
4.what role does the computer play in modern business (computer use in office,E-commerce,shoping on line)
5.which kind of office would you prefer to work in,cellular or an open-plan office?
答案能稍长一点吗 快考试了
cellular 是那种网格式的办公环境(就是现在大多数公司那样 每个人都有自己的座位 然后彼此隔开)
open-plan 就是开放式的彼此不隔开
另外,1中的ethinic 是ethnic吧?3中的careated 是created?

我就说点吧1.World is developing,human is developing,every ethinic want to learn other countries' advanced things.The world become more and more globalization.Therefore,it is important to know another ...