如果你出国了我们会想念你的英语怎么说在几个问题:我阿姨也当过老师?听到那件事,我忍不住大笑 C____online is very convenientfor us.买得起?It is n___ for us to wait in a line.The story t___all of us at night.要用英语!


在几个问题:我阿姨也当过老师?听到那件事,我忍不住大笑 C____online is very convenient
for us.买得起?It is n___ for us to wait in a line.The story t___all of us at night.要用英语!

We'll really miss you when you're abroad

If you go abroad,we will miss you.
My aunt also ever worked as a teacher.
Listening that thing I can't help laughing loudly.
买得起:afford sth.

If you go abroad.we will miss you.

if you go abroad, we will miss you

We ill miss you very much if you go abroad.我阿姨也当过老师?My aunt has ever been a teacher,too.听到那件事,我忍不住大笑 I couldn't help laughing after hearing that.C____online is very convenientfor us...